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I want to learn to create my life from a place beyond my conditioned mind so I can improve my health.

Are you mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually suffering? Are you sick and tired of it? Are you committed to feel well again? We believe every form of suffering is created by our conditioned mind. It can therefore be healed by learning to create our lives from a place beyond our conditioned mind.

Whether you are diagnosed with cancer, any other terminal or chronic disease or any other small or big form of pain or suffering, there is one Power which can heal all forms of suffering. This Power is unconditional love. This Power is in you. This Power is you. However your conditioned mind keeps you away from this source.

Through various workshops and healing sessions we will support you to go beyond your conditioned mind. You will have unprecedented experiences of love, joy and peace of mind. This is who you truly are and when you have these profound experiences you will have reconnected with the source of life. Simultaneously we will support you to bring the unconscious train of sabotaging thoughts and bad habits to the conscious part of your mind. There you can choose again. You will litterally change your mind. By doing so you will actually heal yourself. Our work is based on the experience of the founder himself. He healed himself from chronic fatigue and headache, burnout, insomnia, acidity, heartburn and an unhappy life in the ratrace.

Register for our program 'Get a Life You Love => Get a World You Love' to get a complete understanding about our conditioned mind and to learn online how to heal yourself.

-We work from two locations in Bangalore, India. We have a location near to the Bayapanahalli Metro Station and the second location is the Fireflies Ashram, which is a setting in beautiful nature. This second location is 3 kms from the Art of Living Ashram on Kanakapura road. Facilities to rent a cottage and stay for longer term we can arrange for you with the Ashram.

As we choose to work from a context of unconditional love, we do not want to set a condition for a fee. You are free to give whatever your heart tells you. If you are suffering from a serious illness and you want fulltime healing for a longer time, then we do recommend you to come over for atleast 1 month, preferably more as it takes time to uncover and change the thoughts and habits which caused the suffering. After this month we have the option for you to take life long guidance to make sure you live a life blessed with health.

How to schedule a healing session on location:
Send me an email and we will take it from there.

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